Geng 138, also known as the Geng 138 gang, is a notorious criminal organization that has been operating in various parts of the world for decades. The gang is known for its involvement in a wide range of illegal activities, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and murder. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive overview of Geng 138 and its operations.
The origins of Geng 138 can be traced back to the early 20th century when it was founded by a group of Chinese immigrants who had come to the United States seeking opportunities for a better life. Over the years, the gang has grown in size and sophistication, establishing itself as one of the most powerful criminal organizations in the world.
One of the key characteristics of geng 138 is its strict hierarchy and code of conduct. The gang is structured like a traditional organized crime syndicate, with leaders at the top who make decisions and give orders to lower-ranking members. These members are expected to follow orders without question and show loyalty to their superiors at all times.
In addition to its hierarchical structure, Geng 138 also operates through a network of affiliates and associates who help facilitate its criminal activities. These individuals may not be full-fledged members of the gang but work closely with them to carry out various illegal schemes.
One of the primary sources of income for Geng 138 is drug trafficking. The gang is involved in smuggling large quantities of drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine into various countries around the world. They use their extensive network of contacts and resources to transport these drugs across borders and distribute them on the streets.
Human trafficking is another major source of revenue for Geng 138. The gang kidnaps men, women, and children from vulnerable communities and forces them into slavery or prostitution. They exploit these individuals for financial gain while subjecting them to horrific conditions.
Extortion is another common tactic used by Geng 138 to generate revenue. The gang targets businesses or individuals who refuse to pay protection money or other fees demanded by their leaders. Those who resist often face violence or even death as punishment.
In conclusion, Geng 138 is a dangerous criminal organization that poses a significant threat to global security. Its involvement in drug trafficking, human trafficking, extortion, and other illegal activities makes it one of the most feared gangs in existence today. Law enforcement agencies around the world continue their efforts to dismantle this organization and bring its leaders to justice.